We offer cosmetic white crowns at High Oaks Dental Practice.
Crowns are the restoration of choice when the tooth has become weak by large fillings or has broken or chipped and a strong material is required to hold the tooth together whilst allowing it to bite and chew safely.
Crowns are also recommended after root canal treatment as teeth can become brittle, thus to protect against fracturing a crown can protect the tooth.
We offer all-porcelain, metal-porcelain, and gold crowns. All our porcelain crowns are manufactured using the latest CAD-CAM systems to ensure we get the best morphology and fit to the tooth.
Just like natural teeth, crowns require regular cleaning and maintenance otherwise they can decay at their margins and create further problems.
Evidence shows that well-maintained crowns can have a longevity of 15-25 years.
Regular dental checks can identify when this is occurring so can be rectified early, limiting the damage to the tooth.
Our porcelain crowns come with 1 year material guarantees.
If you are in need of a dental crown, arrange an appointment with our dentists to discuss your options further.
0% Interest payment plans are available for all these treatments.
For a CONSULTATION with our dentists call our team today on 01727 893 430 or email us at patients@highoaksdental.com to arrange your appointment today.